Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Drive to Survive

Once again today I was reminded of my 'Grumpy Old Man Syndrome" that I described in an earlier post, whilst driving to town.

For a good number of years it seems I have struggled with the behaviour and habits of (IMHO) inconsiderate other road users. There are many actions drivers choose to take while driving that irritate me greatly however today I share just one classic example with you. (Further irritations may follow in future blogs.)

So today, driving at a leisurely 90 heading along SH1, the driver in front, who incidentally just HAD to get in front of me before the passing lane ended, decided that it was now the ideal time to cleanse his windscreen/windshield. Quite why he had do do this at this time (and he was an he, as it happened), will remain a mystery for eternity, however I'm sure you can guess what happened next.

Within about 5 seconds HIS windscreen was sparkling clean (I am assuming this of course because as you are probably guessing correctly ahead), mine was anything but. I had had delivered, free of cost, a mixture of dirt and screenwash along with the inevitable overspray of clean screenwash that never actually made it onto the windscreen of the car in front, in the first place. So now I could not see clearly anymore and was therefore put in a situation that I should never have been in. What were my options? Do I risk an accident because I can't see a thing or totally piss off the driver behind. I would have liked a third option, one that I hope to describe later! Anyway as you can imagine the upshot was that the driver behind got the same treatment as I had received and consequently the domino effect no doubt continued until there were no further cars within splatter distance behind.

Now I believe I should have had a third option and I think that there are two ways in which the  above experience could be avoided. Both of these suggestions involve new technology or invention, and both do have their merits. I would describe method a) as the passive solution and method b) as the active solution. I'll leave you to guess which is my favourite.

Method a) involves a device that is built into the vehicle and is activated when the windscreen washers are used. This could for example be a flap-like apparatus that sits at the top of the car and catches/diverts all overspray whether direct or indirect from the windscreen. In an ideal world this would also pump this collected sludge-liquid through the vehicle and deposit it directly to the crotch area of the driver. To be fair to the driver this should only operate when the vehicle is travelling above 30kphs, after all you should be checking out your visibility BEFORE you start driving anyway. I haven't quite worked out if there would be a 'get out of jail free' option on this system if the crap on your screen came from the vehicle in front but maybe method b) provides this solution.

Method b) involves a device that is built into the vehicle and is activated by the driver of the car following the offending forward vehicle (hope that isn't too tautological). This device is basically a big 'fuck off you, you bastard' water cannon that can be targeted and fired at will by remote control from your vehicle. Depending on your personality the contents of this cannon could be anything from water (recommended for protection against future legal action) through rotting fruit pulp (sticky and smelly) to even paint stripper or non carcinogenic acid (probably not recommended). I suppose you could have various loading tanks to premix your cocktail depending how pissed off you are on the day!

I think that if either of the options were available earlier today then the outcome would have been an extra load of washing for the driver in front or a much more internally content ME probably driving as fast as I could in the opposite direction!

My favourite..jeez aren't water cannons fun!!!

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